Julia Król

Julia Król

MSc Eng. Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw, Poland, 2024
Eng. Instrumental Chemical Analysis, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw, Poland, 2023
e-mail: jkrol@ippt.pan.pl
telephone: (+48) 22 826 12 81 ext.: 448
location: office - Pawinskiego 5B, room 320; Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter

Julia Król is a Ph.D. student at the Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences (IPPT PAN). She holds a Master degree in Applied Chemistry and has extensive experience in the investigation and optimization of directed self-assembly methods for block copolymers, as well as the synthesis of one-dimensional metallic and metal-oxide nanostructures utilizing block copolymer templating and nanomaterial characterization techniques. In 2024, Julia joined the Pierini Research Group at IPPT PAN, where her research will focus on developing an injectable hydrogel-based nanofibrous system for the long-term delivery of miRNA in regenerative medicine applications.