Izabela Piechocka

Izabela Piechocka

PhD, Chemical Sciences Biophysics, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2011
M.Sc, Technical Physics, Poznan University of Technology, Poland, 2006
e-mail:  ipiech@ippt.pan.pl
telephone: (+48) 22 826 12 81 ext.: 448br> location: office - Pawińskiego 5B, room 321; Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter

Izabela Piechocka is interested in the role of mechanical force in structural organization of the extracellular matrix proteins and cell surface receptors at the nanometer scale. During her doctoral research at the FOM Institute AMOLF (The Netherlands) she used rheometry, confocal microscopy and turbidity measurements to elucidate the role of the supramolecular, internal architecture of fibrin, collagen, intermediate filaments and microtubules networks in the macroscopic nonlinear elasticity. After obtaining her PhD degree she became a postdoctoral researcher at ICFO-The Institute of Photonic Science (Spain). Here she investigated the role of the shear flow in the organization of cell membrane receptors and integrins, the cortical actin and cell-cell adhesion with the use of a parallel-plate closed flow chamber and super-resolution STED and STORM techniques. Currently she is a research specialist at IPPT PAN (Poland) where she works on a project oriented at developing haemostatic wound dressing materials based on electrospun nanofilaments.